The Art Nouveau Movement

Saturday, January 11, 2020
Presented by: Alex Botkin

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: January 11, 2020

9:45 AM Announcements and Business meeting
10:00 AM Presentation
12:00 PM Adjourn

In the 1880s, while America was beginning its love affair with the British Arts & Crafts style of handmade and manufactured goods, Europe was beginning to explore a new and different style of furniture, architecture, ceramics and jewelry. This new approach to craft was to become known as “Art Nouveau.”

Based on his visits to museums in London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Nancy, and Paris, Alex Botkin will discuss and present photos of the different styles of Art Nouveau that emerged in Europe.


The Western Pennsylvania Woodworkers is planning a workshop on woodcarving on March 14 & 15 held at The Back Channel School of Woodworking in McKees Rocks. Please see the attached information for details. If you are interested in signing up for the class, please bring a check or cash for $160 to cover the cost of the class when attending the January 11th WPW meeting. The class will be limited to fifteen people.

About the Presenter

Alex Botkin