2018 Annual SHOW and TELL

Saturday, November 10, 2018
6545 Hamilton Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: November 10, 2018

Meeting Start Time: 10:00 AM

This month’s program will be our annual Show and Tell program featuring woodworking projects created by our members.  This annual gathering lets the members of our woodworking club come together to experience the talent and effort of all club members.  In prior years, we have seen a broad spectrum of woodworking from small table top items to large floor sized items.

All WPW members are invited to bring a recently created piece that:

  • They made themselves
  • Has not been previously shown at a WPW meeting

We encourage all members to participate.  The piece doesn’t even have to show your best work as long as there is some takeaway teaching point about the technique or design. Thanks to our good friends at Rockler and Woodcraft, there will be plenty of door prizes as well as prizes for best works/projects as voted by our members.

Doors will open at 9:30 AM so you can register and set up your work before the meeting starts at 10 AM.